Bem, parece que eu deveria manter segredo sobre este
tópico, mas definitivamente eu não consigo... lol O fato é que me rendi à
constatação de que viver intensos 35 anos cobra seu preço e resolvi, com a
ajuda de uma coisa chamada “toxina botulínica” um problema que vinha me
incomodando há alguns meses.
Tudo começou numa manhã qualquer, em que eu tentava
desvendar o francês de uma coletânea da Marie Claire Ideés que comprara no Rio.
O Rafa, meu pequeno, ao me ver tão concentrada, perguntou: “Mãe, você ta brava?”
Estranhei a pergunta por que a única coisa que eu não estava, naquele momento,
era brava! Sorri e respondi: “Não, filho, não estou brava! Estou concentrada”.
E ele: “Então por que você está com cara de brava?”.
Naquele momento eu me dei conta de que, mesmo quando não
estava com raiva, uma incômoda ruga de expressão teimava em vincar a minha
testa, entre as sobrancelhas! Meu Deus, será que eu ficaria como aquelas
mulheres que mesmo quando sorriem estão com cara de bravas??? Pesadelo!
Uma visita à dermatologista e a constatação: uma pequena
aplicação de botox resolveria meu problema. No Brasil, dizemos que “de graça,
até injeção na testa!”. Meus amigos, pois confesso que paguei, e caro, por
cinco furadinhas dolorosas na testa, mas não me arrependo.
É bem estranho querer franzir a testa e não conseguir, mas
estou satisfeita com os resultados. Também fiquei satisfeita com o resultado
dos meus panos de prato com apliqués de frutas e legumes. Para a maioria dos
detalhes, usei o ponto caseado, em dois fios de Anchor (achei que usar a Perlé
deixaria um aspecto mais grosseiro nos trabalhos). Usei ainda o ponto corrente
e o alinhavo simples.
Série "Um é Pouco, Dois é Bom, Três é Bom Demais" |
Detalhe dos pontos utilizados |
Nestes caseados, usei Perlé. |
Alinhavo em Perlé. |
Os tecidos que tinha em casa não eram, decididamente, os
melhores para o recorte dos motivos. No entanto, tal como o botox, que se em
demasiado tira a expressão do rosto, os motivos aplicados em grande quantidade
diminuem a função primordial do pano de prato. lol
Ponto Caseado |
No fim, aplicar botox ou realizar os apliqués não é coisa
de outro mundo... Basta bom senso, parcimônia e um pouquinho de coragem. Os
resultados compensam. Quem se habilita?
Well, it seems that I should keep quiet about
this topic, but I definitely can not ... lol The fact is that I surrendered to
the conclusion that 35 years has its effects and I decided, with the help of
something called "botulinum toxin" a problem that was bothering me
for some months.
It all started one morning when I was trying to translate the French of one Marie Claire Idées. My little son, seeing me so focused, asked: "Mom, are you angry?" Strange question, cause the only thing I was not was angry! I smiled and replied, "No, son, I'm not angry! I'm concentrating." And he said: "Then why have you an angry face?".
At that moment I realized that even when I wasn’t angry, an ugly wrinkle persisted in creasing my forehead between the eyebrows! My God, I'd be like those women who she’s smiling they even have angry face?? It´s a nightmare!
A visit to the dermatologist and the evidence: a small application of botox would solve my problem. In Brazil, we say "for free, even shot in the forehead." Folks, I confess that I paid for five painful injection stings on my forehead. It was expensive but I have no regrets.
It's kinda strange, but I'm satisfied with the results. I was also happy with the outcome of my dish cloths with appliques of fruits and vegetables. For most of the details, I used the blanket stitch in two strands of Anchor (I found that using Perlé leave a more result coarse in the works). I used even the xxx.
The fabrics I had at home were not decidedly better at cutting the motifs. However, like Botox, which if used a lot it changes the natural expression of the face, the motifs applied in large quantities diminish the primary utility of the dishcloth. Lol
It all started one morning when I was trying to translate the French of one Marie Claire Idées. My little son, seeing me so focused, asked: "Mom, are you angry?" Strange question, cause the only thing I was not was angry! I smiled and replied, "No, son, I'm not angry! I'm concentrating." And he said: "Then why have you an angry face?".
At that moment I realized that even when I wasn’t angry, an ugly wrinkle persisted in creasing my forehead between the eyebrows! My God, I'd be like those women who she’s smiling they even have angry face?? It´s a nightmare!
A visit to the dermatologist and the evidence: a small application of botox would solve my problem. In Brazil, we say "for free, even shot in the forehead." Folks, I confess that I paid for five painful injection stings on my forehead. It was expensive but I have no regrets.
It's kinda strange, but I'm satisfied with the results. I was also happy with the outcome of my dish cloths with appliques of fruits and vegetables. For most of the details, I used the blanket stitch in two strands of Anchor (I found that using Perlé leave a more result coarse in the works). I used even the xxx.
The fabrics I had at home were not decidedly better at cutting the motifs. However, like Botox, which if used a lot it changes the natural expression of the face, the motifs applied in large quantities diminish the primary utility of the dishcloth. Lol
Finally, to apply botox or do apliqués is not something from another world... It's necessary just good sense, thrift and a little courage. The results pays off. Are you ready?